In the Spring of 2018, I received the amazing opportunity to co-op at Off-Campus and Commuter Services, or OCCS for short. Here, I designed critical marketing/advertising products, such as posters, fliers, banners, booklets, websites, etc., to promote the The Commuter Lounge and it's student oriented events. Currently, I am still employed by OCCS as a Senior CA and Head Designer, producing designs on a weekly basis.
Educated Renter's Program
The objective of this website will be to teach RIT student's the process, laws and preparation that go into renting, and residing in, an off-campus apartment/house. This website is still in the process of being made; however, I will be designing it in its entirety. Again, the photo's used here were taken from
Student Living Guide
This thirty-nine page booklet discloses tips, tricks, and critical advice to students seeking to rent a house/apartment off-campus.
The entire booklet was designed by myself; however, the images were gathered from
Commuter Lounge Banner
I was tasked with creating a banner to site outside The Commuter Lounge. This banner was to advertise all the services our organization offers and entice students to check out the lounge for themselves. Its icons were purchased from
Various Posters/Fliers
Fliers and posters must be made for every OCCS event to advertise its contents to the commuter and off-campus students. Above are just a few examples of the fliers I've produced over the years at OCCS.
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